Let’s break some myths about artificial turf.
- Fake grass gets too hot to touch. Synthetic turf does get hot, but landscape grass does not get as hot as athletic field grass which is filled with tons of black crumb rubber. Casually hosing down the turf on a hot day will solve this problem.
- It looks so fake; no one will believe it’s real. The newest synthetic turfs made today are incredibly realistic looking, some of the older styles or cheaper grass does look tacky, but you actually have to get down on your hands and knees to tell whether the better turfs are real or plastic.
- Fake grass is bad for the environment. Synthetic turf is environmentally friendly; it is not a green product because it is not made of recycled materials (yet). Synthetic turf typically lasts about 15 years. Most environmentalists who have looked at it have concluded that the 15 years of savings in fresh water, no mower emissions and no fertilizers and pesticides in the ground far outweigh the environmental costs of someday that turf being in a landfill.
Some Benefits to installing artificial turf
Besides having an easy, beautiful and green lawn that all your neighbors will be jealous of, deciding to install turf will have benefits that impact the environment as well. A few examples include:
Saving our Dwindling Fresh Water Supply
- In arid climates it takes approximately 108,000 gallons of fresh water to maintain a 6,000sf lawn for one year (less in more humid climates).
University of Southern Utah, Maggie Shao - Approximately 30-70% of our fresh water is used for landscaping annually depending on the area of the country.
Southern Nevada Water Authority, New Mexico State University
Less Air Pollution
- Small engines from lawnmowers and edgers are a major contributor to air pollution in our country. Synthetic turf requires none of this type of maintenance; hence it helps reduce air pollution!
US Environmental Protection Agency
Promotes Recycling and Use of Renewable Sources
- A single synthetic turf football field contains roughly 45,000 used tires that would otherwise be filling a landfill. In addition, the backing material is partly made from renewable resources such as soybean oils. Synthetic turf can be recycled and certain backings make the turf 100% recyclable, if this is desired by the customer.
Greendecade.org, www.universal-textile.net/news_biocel_march2006.htm